The Graduate: Writing Exercise

The scene I chose from the graduate is the pool scene. In this scene, it becomes obvious how out of it Ben is. When the scene first begins, Ben’s father is talking about a new gift he got Ben. Every time Ben tries to speak his father stops him. As the scene goes on, ben comes out in the scuba suit.

As the scene progresses, Ben comes out in a scuba suit, where his parents and family friends are. He cannot hear anything through the suit, which is ironic, because earlier in the scene his father would not listen to what he was trying to say. The film has a great point of view shot, where you see everything from Ben’s perspective. It’s interesting because you almost feel for Ben. It seems as though he does everything the way he is told.

The film has a great point of view shot in the pool scene, where you see everything from Ben’s perspective. This is a great shot, and it shows you how Ben feels from always being told what to do by his father. Once he jumps into the pool, he tries to come back up and his father pushes him back down. I think this is symbolism for Ben and his father’s relationship. Ben is always being told what to do by his father.


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