Intertextuality in SNL

One good example of intertextuality that almost everyone knows about is SNL. Saturday Night Live uses examples of intertextuality week to week, and that’s what makes it funny. For example, just recently they did a skit about Roger Goodell, The commissioner of the NFL. Recently he has been in a lot of trouble with the way he has went about punishing players, and SNL used this as the basis for their skit. By referencing his poor judgement on punishment, the skit was funny.

Intertextuality can be seen in any parody movie, along with the popular comedy show South Park. All of the Scary Movies as well as A Haunted House have examples of intertextuality by referencing recent movies. South Park references things going on in politics, news, the economy, and popular things at that time. The meaning of the text is to make fun of things going on in the world right now. They usually become less funny as the news becomes less relevant. That being said, one will always need more cowbell.

The purpose of intertextuality in the comedic examples is to be funny. Due to the relevancy of the examples these shows and movies use, the audience understands the reference, and that is what makes it funny.


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